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Austin Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractor in Austin Texas

Dr. Scott Ihrig

Suffering from debilitating diseases, pain, allergies as a youngster started my discovering of health early. Being born in Austin and having my family here really makes it my home, after college I felt a desire to set up roots where I came from. Growing up I was a very active and competitive kid, martial arts and gymnastics was one of the joys of life, and with it came lots of injuries.


In high school I suffered from an incurable disease, multiple sports injuries, asthma, and even had a sinus infection for 7 years straight, and I could almost never breath out of my nose because I was allergic to everything they tested me for. I remember one particular time waking up in the morning with such intense pain in my abdomen that I couldn't get out of bed. When things got really bad, I couldn't eat much and was losing weight rapidly and when I went to the medical doctor they had no answers or solutions, and the medication they gave me only made things worse, with horrible side effects. I felt like I was losing my life and happiness and didn't know why. No one could help, and I was hopeless. One day something came to me, I thought  “there must be a cause,” and I began learning.

That's when my career started. Since that time I have been obsessed with the most effective means of healing the human body. I know from experience that most conditions come from our thoughts and mindset, our physical body, and nutrition and using these areas to heal myself I have experienced miraculous healing in many areas of my life, but the story doesn't end here. In college I was a competitive cheerleader and winning national titles came at a cost, the cost was my body.


At about 22 years old I would wake up every morning with such horrible lower back pain that behind the sink to brush my teeth was impossible, and when I sneezed or cough it would literally drop me to my knees because of the pain. I was going to the chiropractor at that time and it was helping to some extent to get adjusted but it was going away.


I discovered Chiropractic Biophysics, and Postural Correction, fitness, and the Fascial Distortion Model for testing muscular and soft tissue injuries.Using the same techniques I discovered in my journey I have been able to completely eliminate all of the conditions I experienced and now have the knowledge to keep my body healthy for life. That message is something that I wish every man, woman and child could experience because it has the power to completely change what it means to live a healthy and happy life. That's why I hope I get the chance to meet you.

Fun Facts:

  • Beckham Ihrig, my son motivations me to be my best! 

  • Captain of Trinity Valley 2008 National Championship Cheer Team as seen on Netflix series “Cheer”

  • Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do

  • You can still catch me doing flips at the tramp park!

  • Born at St. Davids Hospital

  • Assisted with the home birth of my son Beckham

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